Sample Articles of Incorporation

The following Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws may be used as guides for any flying club; however, since statutes vary in different states, no organization should be created without the aid of an attorney.


  1. The name of this corporation is the _______ Flying Club, hereinafter referred to as the "Club."
  2. The purposes for which this Club is formed are:
    1. To own or lease and maintain one or more aircraft for the education, transportation, and general use of the members of the Club or their families or such individuals as the Board of Directors may designate pursuant to any bylaws which may hereafter be adopted.
    2. To acquire, own, hold, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any property, real or personal, necessary to the operation of the Club.
    3. To borrow money, contract debts, make contracts and to exercise any and all other powers as a natural person could lawfully make, do, perform or exercise which may be necessary, convenient or expedient for the accomplishment of any of its objects or purposes, providing the same be not inconsistent with the laws of the state of and to that end, enumeration of such shall not be deemed inclusive.
  3. The term of existence of the Club shall be perpetual or until such time as it is dissolved as provided by the laws of the state of _______________.
  4. The principal office for the transaction of the business of this Club is to be located at_______________.
  5. The names and addresses of the incorporators of this Club are:
  6. The names and addresses of the persons who are hereby appointed to act as the first directors to manage the affairs of this Club are:
  7. The name and address of the resident agent of the corporation is:
  8. The Club is organized without shares.
  9. The property rights of the members of this Club shall be equal.
  10. The Club shall be operated not for profit, and no part of the net earnings of the Club will inure to the benefit of any member.
  11. Upon dissolution of the Club as provided by the laws of the state of _________________________, three members of this Club shall be designated as trustees who shall liquidate the assets thereof and after paying all debts and liabilities of the Club, and shall distribute the surplus equally among the members thereof.
  12. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, for the purpose of forming this Club, under the laws of the state of ____________________, we the undersigned, constitute the incorporators including the persons named herein above, as the first Directors of this Club and execute these Articles this ________________________
    Notary's paragraph of acknowledgment
    Notary's Seal
-- ClifCox - 04 May 2015
Topic revision: r1 - 04 May 2015, ClifCox
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