[Computer-go] Those were the days ...

"Ingo Althöfer" 3-Hirn-Verlag at gmx.de
Mon Dec 28 05:29:53 PST 2015

Remember 1998: In the US Go Congress an exhibition match
took place: 5-dan Martin Mueller against Many Faces of Go.
Martin gave 29 handicap stones - and won "handily". 
29 stones - can you believe it?

ManyFaces was a top bot in those days. 
In the meantime computer go strength has increased a lot. However,
so far not a single go bot was able to repeat such an H-29 win
against the old ManyFaces (from 1998).

Four years ago I announced a "Handicap-29-Prize" for the
first bot that would achieve an H-29 win: 1,000 Euro for its programmer!

The programmers are still waiting in their closets. However, with help
of the new CNN evaluations a win might have come into reach.
I would even allow the Facebook Millionaires to go for the prize!
(Not sure though, if they really need the money ;-)

More details on the prize are online here:

Cheers, Ingo.

PS. Instead of the traditional MFoG also the 12-kyu level of
MFoG 12 may be used as an opponent.

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