[Computer-go] Wired: Google and Facebook Race to Solve the Ancient Game of Go With AI

Hideki Kato hideki_katoh at ybb.ne.jp
Mon Dec 7 13:04:33 PST 2015

Ingo Althofer: <trinity-114f86c2-7e3f-42c4-80ee-199cdba386cd-1449511127465 at 3capp-gmx-bs29>:
>Hi RĂ©mi,
>thanks for the very interesting link.
>It seems that a race for a new breakthrough is open.
>Let's see if Abakus or Aya or CrazyStone or
>FaceGo or GoogleGo or Zen or some other bot
>will become the winner.

Exciting.  A new program ponanGo will attend the comming UEC Cup.  Its 
author has developed the strongest computer Shogi program, Ponanza in 
Japan (http://jsb.cs.uec.ac.jp/~igo/eng/participant.html), though no 
FaceGo nor GoogleGo is in the list :p.  A good news: the prize 
money has increased (http://jsb.cs.uec.ac.jp/~igo/eng/prize.html).

	Be care!  The deadline (10th Dec) is coming very soon!

>Great times.

Really a big fun.

>Will we see bots on par with top humans before 2020?

I'd like to bet no, just possible for 13x13.

Hideki Kato <mailto:hideki_katoh at ybb.ne.jp>

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