First day evening class:

My notes as usual are incompleate, and probably have other mistakes.

Three Treasures: Jing, Chi, and Shen which seem to be manifested in different ways in the different states of heaven. I'm not sure if I have the order right but it also looks like Jing becomes Chi which becomes Shen. That seems like the order is from the current state to the gole state (ie. reverse order).

Jing is in it's purest state in pre-pre-heaven. Does it have other qualities there? Then in pre-heaven it manifests as fertilizing fluid. If you prevent emissions you can transform it back into Chi. Chi is breath or energy Shen is spiritual energy?

  • Innate Nature is the being before the heartminds exsistance?
  • Disposistion is attached to heartmind.
  • Shen is the something of a corporial body.

Three exercises for conserving chi.
  1. Breath slowly and relax, look into the lower dantian. Take a deap breath and clench the Wuyen(SP?) Imagine pulling you energy up as high as you can, then release exhailing. Repeat several times.
  2. Does someone have the 2nd exercise?
  3. Before peeing tighten buttok breath in, hold, and Clentch severel times. Visulize a ball of green light traveling up the spine to the top of the head.

Presureve the Jing and transform it to Chi, then when you have enough you can move forward withoutany worrys?

Requirments: (some scribbles then...) a ballancesd diet, no spicy or cold food, and a quiet residence.

Imagine you eyes behind your head and looking down into your lower dantian. This quiets stray thoughts. As the darkness expands legs vanish in the darkness, then body vanishes. Imagine yourself before your body was born. Use this as a technique to quiet the mind. Then listen to the sound of the lower dantian.

Something about Regjim or Rugdim and form vs formless Rugjem?

-- ClifCox - 25 Sep 2006

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Topic revision: 25 Sep 2006, ClifCox
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