Dickinson Family Photo Gallery
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My Father's (Leslie Arnold Dickinson Jr.) mother's maiden name was Bratt.
Amanda Bronson Bratt Nome Alaska.JPG (188681 bytes) Amanda Bronson wife John Bratt.JPG (686873 bytes) John Bratt-- Buried in Pine City.JPG (215362 bytes)
Easton Clem Bratt  Sr & Agnes Teeters 1888.JPG (204194 bytes) Easton Clem Bratt SR  1904-1906.JPG (206015 bytes) Easton Clem Bratt Sr&Lucinda Robinson Hardesty Bratt-1905.JPG (180390 bytes) Easton Clem Bratt Sr  1930's.JPG (146231 bytes)
Easton Clem Bratt Jr 1891.JPG (178476 bytes) Easton Clem Bratt Jr & Agness Teeters Bratt 1892.JPG (199265 bytes) Lucinda & Orpha Bratt--Both Buried in Spangle.JPG (184470 bytes) Pansy-Dortha &Verna Bratt  1913.JPG (201887 bytes)
TomGlover-E.C.Bratt Jr-Victoria Glover-Laura Patterson 10-19-1910.JPG (197829 bytes) Clem-Irene-Bernice-Marie-Victoria Bratt  1919-1920.JPG (179916 bytes) Victoria Glover Bratt 1960.JPG (118085 bytes) Victoria & Clem Bratt 60th Aniversary 1970.JPG (84133 bytes)
Betty Drumhiller -Arnold&Sandy Dickinson-Sylvia Garfield.JPG (289391 bytes) The Bratt Family Tree can be viewed directly in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later, if you have Generations installed. (When prompted, choose Open this file from its current location.)  If you are using Netscape or another browser, save to disk, start Generations 1.51 or later and open bratt.gno from the file menu.

To download Generations v1.51, click on this link: geno.zip (850 KB, Approx. 5 minutes at 28.8 Kbs).



Last updated: 7/20/99 by Wayne Simila-Dickinson